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What is Yoga and how can it help?

What is yoga and how can it help?  Ahhh, there is so much to share with you about Yoga, however, this will be a small introduction with more posts for you to learn from. 

Yoga is a mind, body, spiritual practice that dates back over 5,000 years.  Yoga originated in India and is based on the India philosophy. 

What is yoga and it's meaning

Yoga means to yoke or bind.  It is often referred to the “union”.  The Yoga Sutra has eight limbs of yoga which include:  the yamas, niyamas, asanas, pranyama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyani and samadhi.  Certainly we could go into each of these here, however, we will explore each of these in other posts to provide a greater understanding of each.

Most people study the third limb, asanas. The Asanas are a beautiful practice to incorporate into ones routine.  Asanas are the physical aspect of the eight limbs of yoga to provide strength and purify the body.  

What are some benefits from yoga

Yoga is a beautiful regimen to add to what you currently do. Yoga is a series of practices that allow you to steadily gain discipline and strength while cultivating relaxation, awareness and self-control.
At first the main benefit you will notice is that yoga helps you to relax. Yoga has been known to provide relief of some symptoms and illness. With a continued practice, particularly of stretching, strengthening, exercises and breathing techniques, the body will grow and become stronger. This improves your posture, lung capacity, bowel function, lymphatic drainage and functioning of the immune system. Gradually you will feel more balanced, and better able to handle things thrown at you in life.

Yoga is all about Balance. People of all walks of life can, should and do practice Yoga. Yoga challenges you wherever you need it, whether it is with flexibility, relaxing, gaining strength, whatever you need most, Yoga is there to help you discover and grow in that area.

When you have a medical condition it is very important to take a Yoga class from someone who is knowledgeable of your condition. Consequently, not all Yoga is created equally. Most importantly you want to be sure you are doing poses that are correct for your condition and know it is important to come out of a position that is causing you any discomfort. With an informed Yoga Instructor they will able to help you create a program for you and offer modifications where needed. So what are you waiting for?  Take one of my online classes, or find a beginners class near you and try it out.  The benefits are well worth it.

If you have any questions or something in particular you would like to learn more about, reach out to me.  I’d love to help you learn more. 


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