Prioritizing You Is Key to Your Health
Prioritizing you is really a key to your health. Many people take the time out to nurture and care for others, yet neglect themselves.
When we place ourselves at the bottom of the list guess what happens? You know the answer, but here goes. When at the bottom of the list, 9 times out of 10 your needs are not met. You are unhappy and wonder how is life passing you by so quickly. You may feel sick, tired, and overwhelmed. All signs of neglecting yourself. Perhaps you lash out easily or get anxious easily.
Over time continuing to follow this path leads to burnout, stress, anxiety, tension, anger, neglect, decreased health and so much more. Certainly, this is not a place anyone wants to really be and yet it happens on a regular basis, for most people on a daily basis. MIND BLOWING!
Try to Visualize the Change
Imagine for a moment, what if you actually put yourself on the “to-do” list. That is to say, what if you made yourself a priority instead of an afterthought. Let that sink in. Does that thought scare you? Make you angry? Want to cry? Does it make you want to put yourself on the list? Do you think how the heck do I make that happen? All of the above?
Good, your at least thinking about it.
Now, sit back for a moment. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Allow your body to relax for a few minutes. Visualize something you long to do. Perhaps it’s take a walk, a long bath, a nap, read a book, laugh with friends. Whatever makes you FEEL happy and brings a smile to your face.
Now imagine having that feeling every day. Even if it is for a few minutes, half and hour, whatever you can get. Most importantly, can you feel and see how this changes your body chemistry?
Your breath becomes a little easier, your mind a little clearer and a lightness starts to come over you.
As a result, you could have this feeling every day. Wow! What an amazing gift to give yourself.
Give a Gift to Yourself

When you start to prioritize you, there will be a change in all areas of your life.
Are you ready to experience that? You Are Worth It! Let’s repeat that now. You Are Worth It! ….. Say it Again. You Are Worth It! ….. And Again. You Are Worth It!
By prioritizing yourself you are able to give more and receive more. If you have not tried this in a long time I challenge you to do so.
This one very important gift will bring more joy into your life that you could have imagined. And guess what, noone will be upset about it. Generally it is your own guilt and fear that holds you back from taking time for you.
So How Do I Do This?
It sounds scary, I know. However, once you start, you won’t regret it. Start by taking one step. Pull out your calendar, right now, and open it up to tomorrows schedule. Look for any gaps in your schedule. What do you see? Is there 15 minutes before you head off to work? Perhaps during your lunch break or after dinner? Most days you will be able to find something that either does not need to be done or will not take as long as you have carved out.
For instance, maybe you find yourself scrolling through social media or reading all of your emails every day for extended amounts of time. Is it really necessary to do this or are you just filling time? These are questions to ask yourself while searching for time to carve out for you.
Perhaps you could wake up 15 minutes earlier or find easier meals for dinner. For example, you could use the crockpot or make a salad and add some protein on top of it for a healthy quick meal.
Can you delegate something to someone else? Moreover, friends and family members know that are important and would love to help you find some time just for you so you could be happier and healthier. Ask them and see what they say.
Are You Ready To Take The Next Step
For the next week see when you can make space for yourself on at least 3 days. It can be 10 minutes or an hour. On those days that you take the time out for yourself note how you felt. Perhaps guilty, happy, sad, like you needed to be doing something else. As a result, when you start and continue to make time for yourself you will see how important it is and will make the space to let this happen.
I’m not saying it’s easy to do at first, but it does get easier and you will feel better once you do this. Your family and health will thank you for this.
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