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Embrace and Recognizing Abundance

Embrace and Recognizing Abundance for Wellbeing

Embrace and Recognizing abundance is great for your health and wellbeing.  Abundance is everywhere if we just keep our hearts and minds open to seeing this.  

People have many different definitions of what abundance is.  Perhaps it means a successful career, money or things, which is very common for most people.   But, that is not the only way to find abundance. 

Abundance lives everywhere.  For example, time spent with family, friends, and children are forms of abundance. 

Alternatively, 0ne could also find abundance in self care and exploring new things to enjoy in life.  The trick is to recognize that there are other areas to find abundance.

Recognize the Gifts You Have

Look for abundance in what you love and find peace in this.  Recognize the gifts you have and embrace them.  When you embrace and are recognizing abundance your life feels fuller, healthier, and happier.  Look for ways to find and feed your higher purpose.  

Let’s focus on what we have in life.  Once you see the love and joy that surrounds you, then you can see the abundance around you.  

Perhaps explore what abundance is to you utilizing a part of yoga located in the yamas and niyamas.  You can start by focusing on satya (truthfulness) and svadhyaya (self-study).  If these are unfamiliar to you, reach out to a yoga teacher who can provide you with more information on how you can learn more. 

Find Contentment

Money can’t buy happiness but it can provide the opportunity to let you go on the journey.  Is there a new business you want to try?  Do you want to live in a different area?  Are you surrounded by the people who make you happy?  Things all to consider as you move forward.

There are many resources to use and yoga is one of them. Yoga has so much to offer when you are on your journey through all of life and worth leaning into to help you see where your life can go.

By continuing the journey through the yamas and niyamas you can find contentment.  Welcome the experience, the journey on your path to embrace and recognizing abundance and know that abundance is more that material things.  Lean into and enjoy new experiences and fulfil your life’s purpose.  

Remember embrace and recognizing abundance will provide a new perspective on life.  As you look at life each day, where can you find abundance?

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