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Spices to help with inflammation

Reduce Inflammation

Reduce Inflammation Naturally

Reducing Inflammation in the body takes time but well worth the effort.

You may be wondering:  What is inflammation?  How does it develop?  What can I do to help reduce it?

These are all great questions and ones you should be asking if you suffer from any type of inflammation.

Symptoms of Inflammation

If you notice any of the following they are all indications that you suffer from inflammation:

  • Fogginess
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Slow moving
  • Scattered
  • Overwhelmed
  • Anxious
  • Physically swollen hands, feet, or anywhere in the body
  • Depression
  • Stomach bloating
  • Joint Pain

These are just a few indications.

Ways to Reduce Inflammation

By reducing inflammation you will find your body responds in a more positive way, even if you find a 10-20% difference in the way you’ve been feeling it’s enough to motivate you to continue exploring the changes you are making. 

Perhaps you can eliminate nightshade vegetables.  You may or may not have been told this before or perhaps you may have heard this but are unsure of what they are and how they can affect your body.

Nightshade vegetables are part of the plant family called Solanaceae. Some of the Solanaceae species are toxic.  These include the plant called  belladonna.  Belladonna is also referred to as the deadly nightshade.

Let’s explore that here together. 

For example, night shade vegetables include: tomatoes, white potatoes, peppers, eggplant, red spices like chili powder, red pepper, and cayenne, gogi berries, and ground cherries are a few foods to look at.  

I imagine you eat quite a few items on this list and probably would rather not eliminate them. Completely understand.

I Thought Vegetables Were Good For Me!

Well, yes vegetables and fruits are good for you. We know of all the great nutrients the above vegetables have and what the benefits are.  However, even though most people can tolerate the vegetables on the above list there are others that cannot and they actually create inflammation in the body. 

However, for people with joint issues, digestive symptoms or other autoimmune conditions nightshades may be contributing to the cause of their inflammation. 

For instance, those with any of the following conditions may have an increased risk eating nightshade vegetables and fruits:

  • Lupus
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Any joint issues
  • Chron’s disease or other digestive issues or “IBS”
  • Autoimmune disease (Celiac, MS, Hashimoto’s, graves, etc.)

For people struggling to bring down the inflammation in the body it may be worth checking to see if removing the above foods helps. 

Will It Help?

Sometimes it just makes sense to stop some of the things one enjoys.  There are probably some “favorite” foods on this above list, however, if you feel better after removing some of those foods then making that a more permanent thing may be great for your body.

Remember, there are plenty of other options to choose from and you may still be able to eat some of the above.  

Talk to your doctor or health care representative about the above and see what they think is the best option for you. 

While we know that some foods may be creating inflammation in the body other contributors could be exposure to toxins, pollutions, infections, autoimmune, obesity, smoking, being sedentary and other health diseases.  There are ways to help bring this inflammation down.

To reduce inflammation one may try diet, exercise, quit smoking, eat anti-inflammatory foods, and control blood sugar.

There are many ways to help reduce inflammation as you can see.  Work with your health care practitioner to come up with a plan that works best for you.

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