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Help with Anxiety and Being Stressed Out

Looking for help with Anxiety and Being Stressed Out is here

There are so many ways to help with anxiety and being stressed out.  When you experience anxiety it does not feel like anything will help.  It does take time, however, relief can be had. 

Personally I know what it feels like to have anxiety and panic attacks.  I suffered from anxiety since I was a child. What I thought  was a “normal” actually was not.  The belief for me was everyone felt that way.  I am so glad that was not the case because, boy is life way different when you are not always anxious and stressed out. 

You really can enjoy life and not feel like you are always on guard. 

Overview of Anxiety

Anxiety is an emotional problem and no one is immune from having it at some point in their life.  The level of anxiety experienced is different for everyone.  Some people have a true anxiety disorder where it affects most or all areas of their life while others have bouts that come and go and only affect them for  a short time. 

Many times anxiety can create debilitating symptoms such as insomnia, migraines, fatigue, intestinal problems, heart palpitations, unreasonable fears to numerous people, places and things, shortness of breath, nausea and so much more.

Anxiety can show up in the form of Panic Attacks which are an extreme form of anxiety and need to be addressed differently.  For example, one may need to be on medications, utilize biofeedback, counseling, yoga, meditation as well as other modalities.  The good news is that there is help out there all one needs to do is ask for it.

Interesting note is that anxiety can cause your body to take longer to heal and make it difficult to get a diagnoses for something else that may be wrong in the body.  It is a master at mimicking other health issues and creating thoughts that something else is wrong in the body.  

Ways to help combat anxiety

Some alternative methods of healing you could use, for instance, would be to include sound bowls. Sound is an amazing way to change the rhythm within the body. 

Perhaps you could try reflexology where certain points on the foot are worked to alleviate areas of the body where there is blockage. 

Also one could use essential oils like lavender to help ease the mind and body.  

Breathing exercises are extremely important as they help the nervous system calm down and reset. 

These are just a few ways to help on your journey. Ones you may have never heard of before. 

Sound bowls and herbs

How Yoga Fits In with Healing

Yoga can help in a number of ways.  Yoga offers specific techniques which can help reduce symptoms, both immediately and long term. 

When practicing yoga, it  focuses on the breath and there are specific breathing techniques that actually help ease anxiety. It is  very important to note this as some breathwork actually makes anxiety worse.  Be sure to speak to a qualified yoga teacher to share what you are experiencing so you are directed appropriately.  

Nowhere is the connection between the breath and mind more obviously noted than with someone who has anxiety.  For example, when someone is fearful the breath becomes quick, rigid and can feel constricted or perhaps you  even find yourself holding your breath.  

On the other hand, when you are calm, your breath is more fluid, even, and smooth.  

When you are anxious your breath comes from the upper chest and does not engage the diaphragm as it should.  When you incorporate the diaphragm one creates space which allows the lungs to have more space thereby allowing the lungs to bring in more air.  To create this the breath needs to be deeper, slower and in a more relaxed way.  Relieving the muscular tension allows this freer movement of breath.  

Beyond being aware of your breath, yoga teaches us to be aware of our thoughts.  For example, if you are aware then you may notice that you have anxiety coming on and you can intervene with a breathing technique, change your thoughts or other ways to decrease the anxiety.  By understanding what is causing these anxiety attacks you are able to help relieve them.  It is challenging and you have to do the work, but with proper guidance and techniques, this can be done.

What's next

So what’s next?  Well, the first step to creating any change is acknowledging there is a problem.  Once you do that, then reach out to doctor, counselor or coach and see what your next steps are. 

If you have any questions on where to turn or how I can help, reach out to me.

I am living proof that while, I may still have anxiety on occasions, I have the tools to help ease or relieve the symptoms.  Anxiety does not have to take over your life, the choice is yours.  Why not start easing the anxiety and stress now so you can enjoy the rest of your life. 



This article is my personal opinion only.  This is no way a diagnoses, cure or treatment for any illness.  Please reach out to your physician or qualified practitioner to help with medical condition.

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