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Happy New Year 2022

Welcoming the New Year: Transforming the Old into a Garden of Growth

Welcoming the New Year: Transforming the Old into a Garden of Growth

As the seasons gracefully change and leaves gently fall, we find ourselves at the doorstep of a beautiful opportunity.  The end of the year is a time to compost the old and make space for the new.

In the spirit of composting, let’s joyfully reflect on the experiences and lessons woven into the fabric of the past year. Like skilled gardeners, we can sift through what no longer serves us, turning it into fertile ground for the seeds of growth and positivity.

As we navigate the quietude of this season, it becomes a sacred time for introspection and clearing out the clutter, making room for the seeds we wish to plant in the soil of the upcoming year.

Let's Create and Celebrate

Let’s create an inviting space for reflection and renewal, embracing the transformative power of composting the old. Moreover this process becomes a metaphorical journey of shedding negative emotions, releasing old habits, and bidding farewell to past regrets. By acknowledging and processing these aspects of our lives, we open up space for fresh beginnings and boundless possibilities.

Much like enriching soil with compost, our commitment to composting the old nurtures a creative side, paving the way for positive changes in the coming year.


Set Your Intentions

As we bid adieu to the old and welcome the new, let’s set our intent for the future.  Equally important, let’s sow the seeds of ferocious love, boundless gratitude, and unwavering justice.

I am genuinely thrilled to share in the joy of closing out the year with you! Our hearts are brimming with love as we extend warm wishes to yours.

In addition, as you gather with your cherished ones to usher in the new year, consider creating a special space for a new year altar. Take a moment to set intentions for the upcoming season and consciously bid farewell to 2023. Allow yourself the time and space for a simple yet meaningful ritual or ceremony.   This is a chance to compost the old and prepare for the unveiling of a new stage in the coming year.

At Harmony Within, we are actively composting old, stale structures that no longer serve our collective journey. We’re graciously laying them to rest.  While allowing them to transform into rich compost in the transition to the new year. Come January 2nd, we’re poised to hit the reset button while embracing the fresh possibilities that the new year brings.

Therefore, with the dawn of the new year, we anticipate weaving new dreams and possibilities into the fabric of our existence. Our commitment to enhancing your experience includes a renewed focus on our weekly newsletter. We cherish these monthly gatherings.  This is a community-created newsletter infused with love and communion.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and here’s to composting the old, welcoming the new, and embracing a year filled with growth, joy, and connection. Furthermore, may the seeds you plant in the soil of 2023 blossom into a beautiful garden of fulfillment and abundance. Happy New Year! 

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