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Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2022

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2022. What will you create?

Welcome to 2022. Happy New Year everyone.  I hope your year is starting off beautiful, happy  and healthy.

It’s always exciting starting a new year.  It’s a time for new beginnings.  A time to think about what you would like to create for the new year. Will it be a new job, new home, new you?  Wow, the options are endless which adds to the excitement.

It’s important to take a few moments to reflect back on the past year and see what you have accomplished.  Savor those moments.  Sit with them for a bit and really feel the emotions that are evoked when you do this. 

New Year, New You

Do you have any traditions that you start the new year with? I’d love to hear them.  

I like to create a vision board during the month of January.  See what resonates with me for the new year.  Where I want to go, who I want to be, what I want to learn and anything else that comes to mind. 

Sometimes just the dreaming part of it is enough. 

Do you make New Years Resolutions?  Is there a  certain meal to eat on New Years Day?  Do you go somewhere each year or spend time with certain people?

Say Goodbye to 2021

Before we say goodbye to 2021, let’s reflect on the positive and the negative.  I know we have all experienced plenty of both.  Don’t let the negative sit with you for too long, just enough to remember what happened.  Is there something that can be done differently this year.  What lessons were learned from these experiences.

Now, reflect on the positives. Let them sink in and take over everything else.  These should be the main focus for you.  What lessons were learned?  Is there something you want to take into the new year?  How do/did you feel during these experiences?  Let these sit with you for a while and really feel the effects of what has transpired. 

As we put 2021 in the past remember each day is a new beginning.  Heck each minute is a chance to make a change whether it’s our mindset, mood, or actions.  I like to write down what has happened in the past year.  Take the negatives, write them down, then burn that piece of paper as this no longer needs to follow.  The lessons one needed to learn, have been learned and the losses have passed.  This doesn’t mean you won’t remember them it just means that you are releasing the heaviness to allow for space for the new.

Create your 2022

Now comes the fun part.  Get ready.  Take out a piece of paper, or your laptop and get ready to write.  Think about what you would like to do this year.  Where would you like to go?  Another state, country or city within the state you live in.  What dreams do you have? What is your vision?  Do you want to spend more time with family or friends or both?  Do you want to work on yourself? Perhaps your health or a project you want to start or finish.  Do you want to move, travel more, host more events or go to more events?  The list is really endless.  All you need to do is start and the wheels will be rolling. Before you know it you will have all kinds of things written down. 

I like to create a vision board.  Have you ever created one?  There will be a workshop coming up in a few weeks on how to create one, so keep an eye out for that. 

Creating your vision is really all about what you want both personally and professionally. Does it mean that everything will be done?  Probably not, however, you will have more opportunity to create the year you want by putting it down in writing.  Create that plan and don’t be afraid to dream and dream big.  

I can’t wait to see what we all create this year.  

All you have to do is start.  Let’s do it!

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